
200 Club

The Ramsden 200 Club is the Village's monthly lottery, managed by members of the Memorial Hall Committee. It is based on a weekly contribution of £1, and the funds raised are divided equally between our two most important buildings, the Memorial Hall and St James' Church. Each year the club raises some £4000 for each.

And each year the club pays out up to £2000 in prizes. A monthly draw is held in The Royal Oak at 6.30 pm on the last Friday of each month, when two cash prizes of £50 and £25 are won. In addition, all those present will be eligible to win the bonus prize of a £75 meal voucher for the Royal Oak, generously donated by the pub.

There are special Christmas prizes of £250 and £100.

Currently there are nearly 200 members of the club, mainly villagers but also including friends of the village from far and near. Please encourage your friends or relations to join - more members mean more prizes!

If you would like to join the 200 Club, please e mail for an application form or telephone the Treasurer:

Roz Danks
E: 200club@ramsdenvillage.co.uk